All-Phase Oxnard
CED Riverside
CED Ontario
CED Lancaster
CED Inland Empire
This website features a high resolution long exposure shot taken from the 101 and a re-imagined All-Phase Oxnard logo with clean, modern sans-serif lettering. The website effectively communicates APE Oxnard’s value proposition in the marketplace and heavily features Square D as a vendor so that co-op funds could be used to cover the cost of the project.
Electrical Contractors in the Riverside area visiting CED Riverside’s home page are treated to a glowing high-res photo of Downtown Riverside.
A nighttime shot like this subtly communicates the impact contractors and distributors alike have on their communities while the quality of the photo and the website align with the quality that can be expected from CED.
If you’re noticing high resolution, screen-wide photos on the home page as a recurring theme, you’re not imagining things. That’s the modus operandi of 3 Phase Promotions. More than 90% of the graphical content on a website designed by 3 Phase Promotions website is paid, meaning it is licensed, high fidelity content that compensates the credited creators.
You’re looking at our current project at CED Lancaster, which is why you’ll notice the placeholder domain containing Dreamhosters in the title.
Follow along as you see a website get built out in real time!
You can always request a demo page be created for your PC so you can start to see your digital marketing initiative come to life.
The CED Inland Empire website serves as a directory for the six PC’s that make up this district.
CED Division and District Managers can request a page be made for their respective Divisions and Districts at a specially discounted rate since the work required is relatively limited.